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Tasks and functions

Tasks and functions

The main task of the Internal Audit Department is provision of the STS’s Chairman with objective and independent conclusions, suggestions and recommendations regarding:

- functioning of the internal control system and its improvement.

Department is not directly involved in the organization of internal control, risk management and management decisions, creation and organization (including participation of other STS’s structural units) of any activities and processes that ensure operational activities of the STS;

- improvement of the management system;

- prevention of illegal, inefficient and ineffective use of budgetary funds and other assets;

- prevention of mistakes or other deficiencies in the STS’s activity, its Main Directorates in regions and Kyiv city, Interregional Directorates of the STS for work with large taxpayers, Information and Reference Department of the STS.

Main function of the Internal Audit Department is:

- conduction of internal audit aimed at improving management system, internal control, prevention of illegal, inefficient and ineffective use of budgetary funds, mistakes or other shortcomings in the STS and its territorial bodies.