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Tasks and functions

Main tasks and functions of the Information Technology Department

- ensuring development, implementation and technical support of information and communication systems and technologies, automation of procedures, organizing implementation of electronic services for business entities, ensuring functioning of information and communication systems;

- organization of information and analytical support of the State Tax Service and automation of its activities;

- ensuring operational efficiency of the IT infrastructure of the State Tax Service and operational response;

- administration of databases of information and communication systems of the central level;

- organization and development of software for information and communication systems in the State Tax Service;

- providing round-the-clock monitoring of elements functioning of the information and communication systems of the State Tax Service and informing about emergency and troublesome situations;

- provision of information and communication systems of the State Tax Service with computer equipment, system and office software, as well as their accounting, administration and technical support;

- acceptance of tax, financial and other reporting by the telecommunications means;

- ensuring, according to legislation, provision of information to state bodies from registers, banks and databases management of which is entrusted to the Department by legislation;

- ensuring cyber security, cyber protection, security of information technologies of electronic communication systems of the State Tax Service;

- carrying out, within the Department’s competence of organization, consideration of appeals (requests) of taxpayers, payers of single contribution to obligatory state social insurance of state authorities, law enforcement agencies, judicial authorities and other legal entities on issues related to activities of the State Tax Service;

- submitting of suggestions in the established order to the consideration of the Minister of Finance of Ukraine for improvement of legislative acts, acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, normative legal acts of central executive bodies, orders of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, as well as submission to the Minister of Finance on approval of the position regarding projects of normative legal acts, developers of which are other central bodies of executive power;

- development of draft laws of Ukraine, draft acts of the President of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, draft orders of the Ministry of Finance and suggestions for other normative legal acts on matters within the Department’s competence and their submission to the Minister of Finance according to the established procedure.